The GRIFS AG security company was founded in 2002, and now can be proud of its 22 years of experience providing security services. GRIFS AG is the only Latvian-owned security company active in all of the Baltic states, providing jobs to 1923 people and physical and technical security to more than 28 555 sites. GRIFS AG provides jobs to 498 people, currently being one of the leading security companies. In Latvia, the company’s services are used by more than 7929 clients and guarded facilities. GRIFS AG is a subsidiary of the GRIFS AG International group, with 80% of the stock capital owned by Latvian shareholders, and 20% owned by the Norwegian company AUTOGUARD AS. GRIFS AG assumes third-party liability for any personnel and/or material damages inflicted to its clients in the amount of up to 6,000,000 euros.

Being a member of the Association of Security Companies, GRIFS AG not only provides high-quality security, but also works on improving the industry of security services as a whole. The most important thing for GRIFS AG is providing quality services to its clients, which is why particular attention is paid to the welfare of company employees and to ensuring that they have appropriate qualifications.

Fons ar zobratiem


To expand the company operations throughout the entire Baltic region, setting new quality and business standards on the market, ensuring employee and client satisfaction.


To determine market trends and unite the market, setting the quality and business standards, growing in all the fields of the company’s business, continuously improving its services and making sure that the company employees are happy, the clients are satisfied, and the quality of processes in all the sectors of the organisation are high.

Atbildība ikona


We take responsibility for our image, our working environment and the people, with whom we work. Our clients’ security is our top priority, because we are trusted to ensure it. People trust us, because we do our job convincingly, and with a smile.

Godīgums ikona


We keep to our promises, and we expect the same from others.

Vienotība logotips


It includes providing help to colleagues and supporting them. We are also united in healthy competition, because it helps us grow: individually and all together. We are strong on our own, but even stronger, together.


Ainars Bundulis profile image

Ainars Bundulis

Board member

Terje Nilsens profile image

Terje Nilsens

Board member

Guntis Uzuliņš profile image

Guntis Uzuliņš

Board chairman

GRIFS AG enters the Platinum category of the Sustainability Index


GRIFS AG enters the Golden category of the Sustainability Index


GRIFS AG enters the Golden category of the Sustainability Index


GRIFS AG enters the Golden category of the Sustainability Index


GRIFS AG enters the Golden category of the Sustainability Index


GRIFS AG enters the Platinum category of the Sustainability Index


GRIFS AG enters the Golden category of the Sustainability Index for the sixth time


The GRIFS AGsecurity control centre is certified according to EU standards


GRIFS AG enters the Golden category of the Sustainability Index for the fifth time


GRIFS AG is granted a new security service licence


GRIFS AG receives an industrial security certificate


Together with G4S Latvia, GRIFS AG establishes the Association of Security Companies


GRIFS AG begins its operations in Estonia


GRIFS AG begins its operations in Lithuania


GRIFS AG is founded, beginning its operations in Latvia




positively evaluate our overall service

High-quality service and professional staff are the qualities that distinguish GRIFS AG from other security companies in Latvia and the Baltics. The certificates we have obtained are propped up by the actual services we provide to our clients, ensuring rapid response, efficient work and respectful attitude. The GRIFS AG security control board is certified in accordance with European regulations, making it the most secure in Latvia. Licences and certificates Quality policy Personnel management policy Occupational safety

Uz balta galda Grifs AG bloknots, pildspalvas un jaunumu avīze

GRIFS AG services are highly appreciated and trusted by our clients

Public facilities

GRIFS AG specialises in providing security to large public facilities. The company’s clients are some of the biggest shopping centres in Latvia, as well as other public facilities. GRIFS AG assesses the needs of each of its clients, offering the necessary solution. The company employees are trained in communicating with people, which is crucial in providing security to public facilities.

Manufacturing facilities and sites

The comprehensive approach of GRIFS AG in providing its services enables its clients to first carry out a security audit at their site or premises, to determine if the service they have selected suits what is actually necessary. This saves money and time for the clients.

Office and residential facilities

The clients of GRIFS AG include various offices as well as a broad range of individual clients. All clients have access to the GRIFS AG specialist team who will identify the risk areas at the client’s home, and develop a security system solution suited for the client’s flat or private house.

Two speech bubble icons with rounded edges, one slightly larger than the other, commonly used for representing reviews or customer feedback.

May 2020

Naktī no 11. uz 12.maiju nostrādāja ugunsdzēsības signalizācija. Par iemeslu tam bija karstā ūdens noplūde no plīsušas ventilācijas agregāta caurules. Vēlamies izteikt pateicību SI...Read more

Andrejs Binders, i/c “Sky&More” pārvaldnieks

April 2020

I would like to show my appreciation to the Security Guard that came to my house on Friday 3.04.2020. My little kid pressed the remote control on silent alarm by mistake, the gua...Read more


January 2020

Vēlos izteikt pateicību GRIFS AG uzņēmumam un personīgi mobilās grupas darbiniekam Raimondam Gailim par aizsardzību, kad tiku pakļauts agresijai no apreibušiem kaimiņiem, kas beidz...Read more


April 2019

Esot Jūsu klients vien dažus mēnešus, vēlos izteikt pateicību Jūsu kolektīvam par tehnoloģisku un mūsdienām atbilstošu pakalpojumu, kā arī augsti vērtēju Jūsu attieksmi pret klient...Read more


February 2019

Drošības kompānija GRIFS AG ir labākais drošības uzņēmums Rīgā un tur strādā jaukākie cilvēki.


February 2019

Vēlos izteikt pateicību tirdzniecības pārstāvim Mārtiņam Bēmam par to, ka vienmēr ir gatavs palīdzēt un rast labu piedāvājumu klientam. Atbildēs uz visiem jautājumiem un operatīvi ...Read more


December 2018

Milzīgs paldies Jūsu dežūrējošam tehniķim Pēterim Skrabim. Tik atsaucīgs un pretimnākošs darbinieks! Paldies, paldies, paldies!


November 2018

Paldies par snigto nozīmīgo atbalstu 2018.gada SEB MTB maratona sezonā! Jūs iedvesmojāt vairāk nekā 2500 SEB MTB maratona dalībniekus fiziskām aktivitātēm!

Igo Japiņa Sporta Aģentūra

November 2018

Paldies par rēķiniem, kurus SIA GRIFS AG nosūta uz manu e-adresi un sadarbību! Kopš objektā apsardzes pakalpojumus veic SIA GRIFS AG nav problēmu ne ar rēķinu sūtīšanu uz e-adresi,...Read more


October 2018

Izsakām pateicību drošības ekspertam Uģim Začam un iekšējās un ārējās komunikācijas speciālistei Inesei Artemjevai par Tukuma 2.vidusskolā vadītām drošības stundām 3.klases skolēni...Read more

Tukuma 2. vidusskolas direktore A.Locāne

October 2018

Liels un sirsnīgs paldies Inesei Artemjevai, par to, ka uzklausīja manu lūgumu ziedot nelaimē nonākušai ģimenītei. Kā arī liels un sirsnīgs paldie mūsu vadības komandai par ziedoju...Read more

GRIFS AG darbiniece N.Karele

August 2018

Vēlos pateikt paldies vecākajam tirdzniecības pārstāvim Rinaldam Birnbaumam par iejūtīgu un saprotošu attieksmi pret klientu, tas ir tik patīkami.


January 2018

Paldies veikala Rimi kases darbiniekiem, apsargiem, veikala Origo informācijas centra darbiniekiem par nozaudētās mantas atrašanu, saglabāšanu un atgriešanu.


September 2017

Liels paldies Jūsu firmai par tādiem darbiniekiem, kuri gatavi atnākt palīgā un neļaut, lai apzog cilvēkus! Lielu, sirsnīgu paldies gribētu izteikt objekta apsardzes vecākajam Dmit...Read more


May 2017

Vēlos izteikt pateicību apsardzes objekta vacākajam Alfrēdam Reinsonam. Viņš aizturēja zagli, kurš mēģināja aptiekā nozagt preci 130 eiro vērtībā. Paldies Alfrēdam no visa aptiekas...Read more

Aptiekas vadītāja

May 2017

Gribēju pateikt lielu paldies Jūsu firmas mobilās grupas darbiniekam D.Lisickim par labi un operatīvi paveiktu darbu, kā rezultātā tika notverta nepiederoša persona manā īpašumā. E...Read more


May 2017

Liels paldies drošības sistēmas montāžas speciālistam Nikolajam Božinskim par profesionālu un akurātu darbu, nopietnu attieksmi, pozitīvu un laipnu izturēšanos.


April 2017

Apsargs Rihards Diņķītis Grēcinieku ielas Rimi veikalā ne tikai man palīdzēja atrast nepieciešamo, bet pat uzlaboja garastāvokli. Sen nebiju redzējusi apsardzes darbinieku, kurš ne...Read more


April 2017

Grēcinieku ielas Rimi veikalā strādā ļoti labs apsargs – izpalīdzīgs un galvenais, ka smaidīgs. Man kā klientam tas uzlabo garastāvokli. Šajā Rimi klienti var justies droši. Novēlu...Read more


Are you a responsible person who is ready to take new challenges?

If you are looking for an honest employer who will provide paid training, a good working environment and career options, come and work for us!

Grifs AG smaidīgi dažāda vecuma un dzimuma darbineiki formās.

We have work!

Apply for our services